Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Green, green, green

Today was an off-day until 4:30 when I went with Lina to Gothenburg to pick up the other American softball player, Diane, from the airport. It is about a 2 hour drive, and these pictures just don't do the scenery justice. The whole drive is soooooo incredibly green that I could look out the window the whole 4 hours, which I basically did. It was good bonding time and we listened to mostly American music along the way. Of course, "Call Me Maybe" came on the radio several times, leading to several discussions about the Harvard baseball video.


Major find of the day: my all-time favorite candy from my first Euro trip--MALTESERS (really good Whoppers). You can see that John Harvard really enjoyed them. This also shows my first attempt at drawing the church in downtown Skovde. Many more to come I'm sure. Bed time now! 

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