Saturday, July 21, 2012

My visitors have arrived!

(This post is for yesterday)

I was ready around 11:00 after my morning work out for my grandma, aunt and sister to arrive. The grocery shopping was done--I got eggs, milk, toast and bacon for breakfast, I had made chocolate balls for dessert, and I got ice cream just in case. I tidied up the apartment, and I sat waiting for them to get to Helenius Gata, Apartment 44a. Their flight landed at 8:00 am and a relative was driving them the 4 hour drive from Stockholm to Skovde. I figured they would be here around 2:00. Well 2:00 came and went and quickly turned into 2:30, and then into 3:00. Where were they? I texted my sister through WiFi, knowing pretty positively she wouldn't be able to respond. My mind started racing. I was supposed to leave for practice around 3:30 to get to the fields at 4. I waited as long as I could, and then left a note on the door with the keys hidden and directions to a grocery store if they were hungry. They would be home when I finished practice, my inner consciousness told me.

I realized at practice that the keys I had left for them had the key to the shed, so Lina drove me back around 4:45. The note had been taken off the door, so I busted through the door to find three sleeping women on the couches in our living room. Relief flooded through me that they were safe and here. Their relative chauffeur had made several stops along the way to visit with other relatives, and it sounds like they had a wonderful time! I headed back to practice feeling much better and practice was great. I got back home around 7:00, quickly changed, and then we wandered into downtown Skovde for dinner. We found a great, cozy restaurant and we had a delicious dinner just chatting and enjoying the company. I had missed my family, and it was so comforting to be spending time with them. We headed back to the apartment after that to indulge in the chocolate balls, (and ice cream), and we sat around talking until about midnight. Jet lag definitely was doing weird things to their internal clocks, but I think they slept pretty soundly after the long day of traveling. Did I mention I'm happy they are here? :) 

Also, thanks Mom for the great care package sent via Mere. 3 bags of my favorite trail mix and an amazing stash of scrapbooking supplies!!

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