Monday, June 11, 2012

More Manual Labor

Yesterday, Lina said, "Are you ready for tomorrow?" "Practice?" I responded. "No one told you...?" she replied....

Turns out we were volunteered for another manual labor task. Wahoo! My 6:30 wake up call came impossibly early, and Lina, Gabe and I made the 30 minute drive to a nearby town. All I knew was that we were moving furniture. Turned out that we would be helping in the newly built school moving desks and chairs into all the classrooms.

Task 1: Unwrap and unstack all of the desks. It felt kind of like opening presents on Christmas morning, but I never want to see that much saran wrap again. These desks were just awkward enough and heavy enough to be a real pain to move around. While we were unwrapping, several tours of students came into the room, and while I didn't know what the leader wase saying, I imagine it went something like, "And this is why you stay in college, kids."

Task 2: Move ALL of these desks to the proper classrooms. Seemed simple enough but there were 6 wings in total, 3 on the first floor and 3 on the second. All I can say is thank goodness for sexism--the girls were in charge of moving the desks into classrooms once the guys moved the desks up the stairs.
We finished work right around 4, having had 2 short breaks and a lunch break (yummy cafeteria food, haha). The work was FAR from fun, but working with my two teammates made it bearable. We sang a little, cheered each other on, and just had as much fun as we could, given the circumstances. This job again raised money for the Saints organization. Every worker we brought was worth 100 kronor an hour (around $14), so with 5 workers, we made quite a bit! Hopefully we won't have another job for a while--my hands and legs need some recovering from all the moving.

Practice was at the normal 5:00 time. We did some hitting stations, and then I pitched live to my teammates. My teammates were definitely better than the Gefle players, fouling off some of my rise balls and making contact on some of the pitches. I found out Sundsvall (another team) beat Gefle pretty bad this weekend, so I am thinking they should be good competition. And in other exciting news--I took my bike home today! I'm taking name suggestions...

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