Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Softball and Sight Seeing

Brief update since I'm blogging from my phone.
9:00--hotel breakfast, very different from American breakfast but I wasn't complaining about the chocolate granola and chocolate breakfast pastry. :)
10:30--leave for the fields, started practice at 11:00. I helped run the defense station and it was awesome to see my input used as we ran some of my suggested drills. I think the girls really enjoyed them since they were new for them. I then had to pitch front toss in a cage--scariest thing ever. I got hit in the head when a pop fly came off the netting so I put on a helmet. Looked goofy but it worked the next time I got hit.
1:15--we took a break for lunch, spaghetti and meat sauce. We are still eating every meal at the cafe/restaurant near the fields, and it's fun to sit with the team.
2:00--back to practice. I had to throw live to the batters, 40 at bats to be exact. I was about to die at the end. It was a similar experience to before when almost no one could hit my rise ball and my speed was almost enough to get by alone. Diane was my catcher (despite having never caught before!) and she really held her own. It was a good bonding moment for us, haha. The team finished up with situations and we wrapped up around 5:00.
5:00--dinner time at the same place: chicken and mashed potatoes, not too bad with lots of ketchup. (The Swedes tend to put ketchup on everything!)
7:00--After showering and getting ready, a group of girls including the Americans and Swedes ventured into the heart of Prague. I really want to add photos but I can't from my phone. One quote sums it up though: "this looks like Disneyland!" Every building, and I mean EVERY building is gorgeous and the streets are amazing. We made it to the famous bridge just as the sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful soft pink and purple. The group stopped for gelato--very tasty and cheap! If we have more time off tomorrow, I hope to go exploring again. This just might be the most beautiful city I've ever seen. Can't wait to share photos in a week or so!

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