Thursday, June 28, 2012


Wanted to be a little creative so here's my acrostic.
P-Prague Castle: Diane, Jill, Alex and I navigated the public transportation system successfully to make it to the Prague Castle. There are several different buildings, but St. Vitus's Cathdral was the most amazing. You should google image search it. There were also great views of the city below.
R-Rough life...not. After the castle, we wandered around the city, across the bridge and back into Old Town to see the famous clock again. I have a feeling I'll see it several more times...
A-actual Czech food for lunch! I had a sausage with a piece of soda bread and a side of potatoes with cabbage and bacon. It was quite tasty! On our way back to the hotel we stopped for some more gelato at the place we went two nights ago.  
G-game day, game day! We were playing one of the American teams. We lost 0-7 but the score doesn't tell the whole story. I was proud of the team and the runs were spread throughout the game. We threatened several times and made some very good plays, and take away a few errors and it's a much closer game.
U-Unbelievable day. I got to see sites of such a beautiful city and watch my favorite sport.
E-eating late after the game, chicken and fries. Again, I felt like I had barely done anything but the sun had tired me out.

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