Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Split for the Saints

I woke up excited to make a real breakfast and eat something other than my typical yogurt and granola. Mere, Grandma and I whipped together scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, and it was delicious. 

Then off to the fields! The first game was incredibly frustrating. We got on the board in the first inning with 1 run, and it was smooth sailing through four (?) innings. Tess was doing a great job behind the plate and the only runners to reach base reached on one dropped third, one walk and one error by me (oops!). Enkoping would score all they needed in the fourth inning when a girl reached first base on an error, and then with two outs and the runner on second, I made a mental error by pitching to their best hitter. I gave up a double/triple and the ball was overthrown into the infield so Enkoping's American player took home. 1-2. That turned out to be the difference in the game. I had one solid hit, but with no positive result, and struck out when I had a chance to knock in the tying run. I have forgotten what hitter's frustration feels like, but those feelings came rushing back pretty darn fast. We had to shake that game, though, and try to salvage the split.

Things weren't looking good in the second inning of the second game as we went down 1-7 during one of those innings when nothing goes right. However, the Saints didn't give up just yet, and we rallied for 11 runs in the third! 7-12! We tacked on another 5 in the fourth, but Enkoping rallied to add 4. I'm not quite sure of the scores in the innings, but I got up to bat in the bottom of the 6th with a chance to knock in the mercy rule run, and I got a base hit to end the game! I knocked in a total of 6 runs in the game which ended at 21-11, which helped to put me in a little better mood after the first game.

My fan club and I walked home from the fields after the games, stopping at the grocery store to pick up food for dinner (and we checked out some Swedish apparel--looking good Aunt Annette!). We made pasta, Swedish meatballs (we cheated--they were frozen), meatball sauce and salad, and it was a great little dinner. Now we are just hanging out for the night and taking it easy since we have to wake up somewhat early tomorrow to head to Alingsas for a mini family reunion at Anders's house. He promised rhubarb and Swedish pancakes, so of course I'm excited!

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