Thursday, July 5, 2012

I came, I saw, I think I conquered...

I had one mission for the day--to take on the Deutsches Museum. My dad had told me it was an awesome science and technology museum, and I am a total nerd for those types, (hello San Diego, Boston, Seattle and OKC science museums)! The weather forecast told me there would be thunderstorms, (although it must have been an old forecast since it was gorgeous, sunny and hot all day long) but I was inspired to walk to the museum since it was nice early and I thought it would rain later. I went through the downtown area of Munich and got to the museum around 9:45. Only 3 euros with a student discount! The first room had hundreds of ship models and some real life size ones. I took lots of photos, and when I consulted my museum map, I saw that there were 6 floors and dozens of rooms to get to, so I was going to have to pick up my pace. On to heavy machinery, aeronautics, musical instruments, atomic physics, (this one was all in German, the only reason I couldn't understand it, haha), textile manufacturing, photography and film, paper, printing technology, glass technology, technical toys, ceramics, astronomy, mapping and navigation, math and computer stuff (over my head), time keeping, weights and measures, and after all of this I was exhausted. I made it to the sun dial garden on the roof for a good view of the city, and by then it was already 12:30. I thought I had seen it all but turns out I had missed a lot of the rooms on the first floor! I blitzed these rooms because they weren't really my thing, and I left feeling like I got the full experience.

There were several places on the perimeter of the city I wanted to see so I started to walk. There were so many pleasant surprises along the way! My stomach was rumbling, but I wasn't going to let my hunger distract from site seeing. I walked along the river where people were lounging in the sun, (some naked!), and emerged at a huge building called the Maximilianeum--very impressive. I continued my walk and stumbled across another gorgeous fountain and statue. After this, I decided to head into town to find food. I passed by the entrance to the Englischer Garten, and a bunch of people were crowded around. This is where the water starts and so surfers line up and take turns to ride the waves in place. It was awesome! When one wipes out, the next person jumps out to give it a go. I passed by some beautiful museums but I was museum'ed out for the day.

I decided to head to the market where I knew I could find food, and I got the same thing as yesterday, figuring I have to eat German food while I have the chance. Walking back through the main square, I saw people on the deck of one of the churches. A chance at the view of the city! I felt bad for having led my friends astray yesterday and not climbing the tower with them, but I was excited to get the chance to do it now. 1.50 euros, 1 smashed euro souvenir penny, (I collect them!), and 300 steps later and I was on top of the world...or Munich at least. It was around 3:00 at this point, so I had ~3 hours to spare. I did what any girl would do...a little bit of shopping! No purchases, but still fun. For my afternoon snack, I followed Aubri's advice and went to McDonalds...but for something uniquely European! A Magnum Mcflurry! And oh my goodness, it was so delicious!! Glad we don't have these at home because they would be hard to resist.

I sauntered back to the hostel to take advantage of the wifi one last time and then began my trip to the airport early. I'm sitting here now ready to begin a long ~20 hour journey home, (the result of buying the cheapest ticket that got me the most time in Munich). 2 hour flight to Riga, 7 hour layover over night (ouch), 2 hour flight to Stockholm, tram to the train station and 4 hour train to Skovde. I think the worst part will be the 25 minute walk back to my apartment. Oh well, the amazing 10 days were totally worth it. I am leaving Munich feeling that I got the full experience and I am very happy. Boarding now! Got some milka chocolate for a snack. Love European chocolate. :)

One more side note--I got my seat assigned when I checked in and I got exit row window, which means no seat in front of me so miles of leg room. Everyone who walks by seems jealous. Things are looking good, (knock on wood)!

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