Sunday, July 8, 2012

Denmark Day 1: Mons Klint

My alarm clock seemed to ring impossibly early this morning, but I was up and ready to go because Diane, her mother and sister and I were going to Denmark! We piled in the car and got an early start at 7:30 and we three girls were all asleep within the first half hour. Several hours later we made a quick stop at a flea market--pretty much all people's old junk. Good to stretch the legs though.

Back on the road headed south to Malmo. We took the Sweden-Denmark bridge under water to Denmark and were there in a short amount of time. Our next stop was in a cute town on a body of water (water is seriously everywhere!), and we picnicked for a little while. Back in the car again. I alternated between napping and looking at the scenery.

We stopped once again in a town called Stege to look at a really old church. The town was really cute! Next stop--the Liselund Slot (a castle). It was so green and beautiful in the surrounding park with lots of trees and ponds and the lesser houses had thatched roofs, reminding me of hobbit houses. The main building was more of a manor than a castle, but it was still neat to see.

Finally we arrived at our main destination for the day: the Mons Klimt (Chalk Mountains). We walked down what seemed like a million steps (we decided to count on our way up) and got down to a pebble beach with a great view of the white cliffs. A few photos and a short walk around and we were ready to climb back up. 475 stairs...whew!

We knew we would be staying at a campsite tonight, so we kept joking about what it would be like all day long. We got to the place around 8:30 and it turned out to be quite lovely. We were in a cabin with two sets of bunk beds, a table and chairs and a kitchen area. There were communal bathrooms and showers. Other people were camping in tents, reminding me of family trips from when I was younger at Doheny Beach. We walked around the site and I took some beautiful pictures of the sunset. We plan to sleep in tomorrow and then make our way to Copenhagen!

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