Thursday, August 9, 2012

A little bit of 'home'

Diane and I are getting tired of Prima food. Last month, our daily trips to Prima were broken up by a trip to Prague and Munich, but we've had Prima just about every day since then. (Can't argue with free food!) So...the past few days I've decided to make my own food to re-stimulate my taste buds and break the falafel monotony. Yesterday I made Swedish meatballs and pasta in a gravy sauce. Okay, fine, I cheated a little since the meatballs were frozen and the sauce came from a packet, but it was still good! Today I made breakfast for dinner: french toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. Despite having an all inclusive meal plan for the past 4 years in college, it looks like I can feed myself if needed. There's hope for me yet, Mom!

I passed the two month marker about a week ago and now have a little under 2 months left here. The time has gone by quickly and I know the remaining time will pass quickly as well, especially now that I have something awaiting me upon my return to the Sates. (Good news--I'm an official member of the Stony Brook softball coaching staff since I passed my Criminal Background check, phew!) After these two months living in Sweden, I ride my bike to the gym on  now-familiar pathways and experience a little feeling of 'home.' This experience is different from what most people get to do--I'm not just sight seeing or touring Sweden. Instead, I am living here, and that makes a big difference. I'm finding that my Swedish friends are very similar to my American friends, (example: several girls on the team are having a work-out competition--something I've definitely done with college roommates), and I know that I'm seeing life through the Swedes' eyes rather than a brief snapshot of the world in which the Swedes live. These have been an awesome two months, and I can only hope the next two months are equally as great.

Side-note: This all being said, I am definitely looking forward to returning Stateside to see my family and find some decent Mexican food. :)

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