Monday, August 6, 2012

Something(s) Swedish #5

Today was a somewhat slow day--gym, lunch, a few "real life" checklist items, a few Mad Men episodes, and then I left to go to practice at 3:30. Unfortunately, it was raining when I arrived at practice, and the rain never really let up. (It's still raining, and it's 8:30). There were 6 of us hanging out in the dugout from 4-5 and then a few more girls showed up for practice, but the field was gathering puddles and we weren't enthusiastic about practicing in the rain. We hung out a little longer just chatting and everyone left around 5:45 when it was clear the rain wasn't going to end. Diane and I hit up Prima for dinner and now we're hanging out in the Dungeon waiting for a few teammates to come over to watch the Sweden Olympic handball game.

So, in place of an exciting story, here are several Swedish things:

1. One former player recently had twin baby girls and she named them Wilma and Filippa. I don't know a single Wilma back in the States so I was interested in the popular Swedish baby names. Here is a list I found--very different from what you hear back home!

2. While I'm on the subject of names, there is another cool tradition in Sweden. In addition to birthdays, there are minor holidays called name days. I found a Swedish name day calendar on Wikipedia. According to this, my name day, (using Rakel instead of Rachel), is June 26. My understanding of name days is that they are similar to birthdays in that they are typically celebrated with cake. Too bad I missed mine! 

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