Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ostrava Day 3

We are 3-0! Woo hoo! We won our second game against the London Angels, 4-2 in our 10:00 game. The Angels got on the board in the first inning on an in-the-park home run/bunt + overthrow. The ball just kept rolling. I lined out to SS with bases loaded in the bottom half of the first. The Angels managed to score once more when a girl reached on a misplayed bunt, got to second on a bunt, stole third and scored on the overthrown attempt to get her at third. The other team adopted the "everyone bunt" strategy and I wouldn't blame them after our less than stellar bunt defense. Luckily a few key Ks stopped their scrappy rally. 

I got up with runners on first and second with a chance to redeem myself and a gap shot double scored the two runs. Tie game! We left bases loaded again. The Angels would not score again and twice Tess came through with clutch RBIs. Not our best game but a win is a win. Saints > Angels. 

We had a good lunch at the fields and then went back to the hotel to rest up. We walked back to the fields at 3:00 and started warm ups. Our next game was against Szostka Brzeg, the team from Poland. Their first pitcher struggled to find the strike zone and it was walks galore. Finally the team switched pitchers, but we scored 6 in the first inning. Our half of the inning was quick. We scored 1 in the next, 1 in the third inning and 2 in the fourth inning. In the final inning I made a bet with Tess we could finish the game in under an hour since we were at the mercy rule score, 10-0. We were still up and the time was 0:57. We got on the field and started play at 0:58. Pop up to center. Ground out to second. It was 0:59. A strike out ended the game just before the clock turned to 1:01. Technically it was over an hour by about 50 seconds, but I'm saying I won the bet since we finished at 1:00. Two more wins for the Saints! Now we are going home to shower and then out to dinner again. It's sooooo muggy here so I'm hoping for some rain to break the heat. 

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