Thursday, August 16, 2012

One More Block

I was riding my bike to the gym like I normally do in the mornings, but instead of turning right to go to the gym, I continued straight. I realized the other day that I hardly stray from my usual path in Skovde, and my boundaries have about a 1 mile radius. On the map below, I live at the middle point, the top point is the softball field and the bottom point is downtown. Today was the day to do a little bit of exploring and break out of the bubble, even if just by one more block.

I didn't go very far on my bike, but I saw some beautiful buildings that I had only seen before in passing when I take the train to Alingsas. I compiled a collage of my favorites. It's amazing what one block will reveal. I'm glad I did some adventuring today.

In other exciting news, my press release was put on the Stony Brook website today!

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