Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Borås Zoo

Lina and Alde, (her 3 year old niece), came to pick up Diane and me around 9:45 this morning to go to the zoo! It was about an hour and a half drive, so we were excited once we arrived.

The first real animals we saw after the dinosaur statues were bongos--pretty cool, and a fun name to say. Just like at the water park, it was fun to have a little kid along for the day. I got to carry her around a little, and she was so sweet.

After that, we went to the coolest space in the park. There was a group of giraffes assembled waiting for food, and they looked so regal. They are such neat animals.

It was really fun to watch the elephants. I was amazed with how the elephants ate--one of them scooped some grass into a little ball with its trunk and then scooped the ball into its mouth. So agile! We followed suit and ate our own lunch right after. Lina had packed us pasta salad and we contributed chips and chocolate balls. Yum!

The next animals we saw were monkeys and then lions. I love watching the monkeys! They are so active. The lions were just sleeping, but we got to see them up pretty close.

One of the final stops was seeing penguins. After that, Alde got to go riding on a pony. She was soooo happy!

After several hours in the zoo, we ended up with one tuckered out child--one sign that the day was a success. I wanted to take a nap when we got back too, but Diane and I had to go to practice. We are practicing every day to prepare for the European Cup next week. There weren't many girls there today, but we got in some good defensive practice.

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