Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Trip to the Water Park

Because the boys' baseball game was canceled (the other team didn't have enough players) and we had planned to watch it, Diane and I had to find other plans for the day. Lina was watching her niece for the day and so when Lisa passed out water park coupons at practice yesterday, a plan was formed.

Diane and I met Lina and Alde (her 3 year old niece) at the Actic complex at 11:30, and we went into the water park. It is a pretty big indoor water park with several good slides, fun pools and a great little kid area. It was awesome to have a little kid along because she was a constant source of entertainment, and it was cool to see a water park through the eyes of a youngster. She was both terrified and excited by the water, but we managed to get her to go on a few slides. One slide was so fun--a few of us could go on it at the same time and we could flip around while we were riding on it, laying on our stomachs, going forwards, backwards, on our knees, etc, all while racing each other. It was a blast. Nathalie and Lisa, (two more teammates), joined us around 12:30 and we rode that slide several times. Lisa knew all the tricks and so we could never catch up with her. Here's a picture from the website of the water park indoors.

Shortly after the rides, Nathalie and Lisa took Diane and me to the "Relax" area while Lina and Alde ate lunch. It was a pretty classy spa area complete with restaurant and bar. The first stop was the rainforest shower that misted us and then drenched us. We then went into a sauna, and the heat and mint aromas were overwhelming. Lisa said you are supposed to breathe in your nose to clear out colds, but it tingled so much I couldn't do it. The next stop was my favorite--it was a giant circular stone platform with an 8 foot radius and it was just warm. The 4 of us just laid there for a while and it reminded me of the good ol' days of laying on the side of the pool after swimming when the ground was hot. Absolutely heavenly. We just chatted and laughed for a while, and it felt like I was at home with some girl friends. We stopped in a few more saunas after that and then rejoined Lina and Alde.

We went on many more rides and went into the wave pool, and around 3:30 we decided to call it a day. Today made me realize that these girls have become such good friends, and I know that this summer would not be half the experience it has been if not for my teammates. I asked Lisa how she is liking her first year of softball and she said she is loving it. It's easy to tell these girls love it, and it's because of each other. We enjoy our time on the field together, and we enjoy our time off the field together. I am so lucky to be a part of this awesome group of women!

Bed time now--BIG games against the league's leader, Sundsvall, tomorrow. We'll need some Ws to secure a spot in playoffs!!

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