Monday, September 3, 2012

100th Post: Miscellaneous Items

I didn't post yesterday because there wasn't much to report. Diane and I had a pretty lazy day. We both worked out, though, because we declared this "Salad September," vowing to eat healthy and work out every day. Here are a few odds and ends that are somewhat interesting:

1. The Final Countdown
The final countdown has started, and as of today, I have just over 3 weeks left here in Sweden, (22 days). Crazy how fast the time has flown, not only here in Sweden, but also this year! So much has happened since January 1--my final Harvard semester, my final Harvard softball season, and 3 months so far here in Sweden.  

2. Softball Update:
The team leaves Friday for the semi-final round of play-offs. We are the #4 seed and will be facing the #1 seed, the Sundsvall Mosquitoes. They beat us both times when we played them there, and we beat them twice at home. It is a best of 3 game series. The American players from Sundsvall left a few weeks ago to go back to school, and I think that will significantly weaken the team's offense, and one of the players was a pretty decent pitcher. I'm only allowed to pitch the first game, so our team will need to generate a lot of run support in the second and third games. I'm feeling pretty confident in the team after our gold-worthy performance in the European Cup! 

3. Something Swedish #7: Foods
American foods that I am craving that I haven't found here: 
Ranch dressing
Peanut butter (not that I eat it that often even!)
In-N-Out (that's Diane's addition)
Mexican food!!!
American restaurants
Mac and Cheese
Cookie dough!!!! 

Swedish foods that I will miss when I return to the States: 
Pear Soda
Yogurt in a carton
Kebab/kebab sauce/kebab pizza/kebab wrap/falafel...okay, maybe not...
Mjuk Glass, (soft serve ice cream)
Chocolate balls
Swedish chocolate 

4. Happy Anniversary!
Happy 29th Anniversary to my amazing parents. Love you Mom and Dad!  

5. Anders
You may have noticed that my good buddy, Anders, has been missing from my blogs recently, so here's a good Anders story. The day I got back from Stockholm, this was the email I got from him:

Subject: Just a question!
Body: I have not heard from you for a long time and wonder if you are alive?

I reassured him that I am doing well, but that I was tired from my trip. Turns out he is tired too since he went sailing for 8 days in Denmark and made a night toilet for the cottage (?). I am hoping to visit him next week after the Sundsvall games, and he tells me that there are ripe plums waiting for me. Can't wait to try them--he's never steered me wrong when it comes to food. 

6. I lied
Turns out this is my 99th post, not my 100th. Boo. 

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