Sunday, September 23, 2012


The team and the loyal fans departed at 5:30 yesterday morning from the field to make the ~5 hour drive to Leksand. I luckily slept most of the way, but when I was awake, I couldn't help but notice how wet it was outside and how there was a constant drizzle. The temperature read 6 degrees outside, which is about 43 degrees Fahrenheit--BRRRR. We arrived at the fields with just about an hour until the game time, so we quickly "warmed up" and got ready for the game.

Tess started as pitcher the first game, despite her hurt shoulder, and Leksand quickly added a run to the board. They extended their lead to 4-0 over the next two innings, but I had two RBIs to bring us within 1 run to 4-3 in the fourth. Unfortunately, I was not as clutch in the sixth inning when the score was tied 6-6 and I flied out with bases loaded to end the inning. Leksand scored in the bottom of the seventh to break the tie, win the game, and force a fourth game in the series.

This meant it was my turn to pitch. I was excited to pitching what would hopefully be my final game, but I was also not thrilled about pitching with numb fingers. I warmed them up under a sink during the game break, tried my best to warm up, and we began the next game. I had an RBI single in the first inning to score Diane (who ripped a shot to lead off the game!), and I somehow managed to retire the first three batters in the first inning. We ran into some trouble in the bottom of the third when two misplayed bunts put runners on base and I intentionally walked the leadoff hitter, but a force out at home and a K ended the Leksand threat. We extended our lead by a few runs in the fourth inning, bringing the score to 3-0. We added even more of a cushion when the Leksand pitcher struggled and walked in 2 runs, and going into the bottom of the sixth, we were up 8-0. It was a comfortable lead, but after I had to run bases in the previous inning, my fingers were pretty numb and Leksand managed to score one run off of several hits. We got out of the inning, failed to score and then entered the bottom of the seventh with the chance to win the series. Another not-so-pretty inning resulted in 1 more run for Leksand, but a pop up out sealed our victory!

One great thing about playing for a team that has won in the past is that the girls really know how to celebrate! Gold hats materialized out of nowhere and we were all given black shirts with gold lettering. We lined up to receive our medals and took the obligatory photos with the trophy. We enjoyed the feeling of the win, but we hustled back to the bus to get home to really celebrate, (and to get out of the cold).

The bus ride was one of the most fun rides ever since it turned into a dance party after we stopped for dinner. All of the girls were toward the back, and we blasted music and just danced while traveling home. It was a blast! We got back to Skovde around 11:30 and rushed to get ready to hit the bar by midnight. The bar sponsored a Gold Party for us, complete with more gold hats, champagne, fruit and chocolate. We entered the bar to the song, "The Wobble," (our team's favorite!), so we all did the dance and the people at the bar cheered for us. We spent the night dancing, guarding our gold hats, (people really liked to try to take them), and singing out "SM GULD, SM GULD, SM GULD!" What a fantastic end to this fantastic summer!

Here is the story on the Skovde news site:

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