Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Quadruple Rainbow!

Today at the field, (prior to practice), it was raining but it was also sunny outside, (a somewhat typical day in Sweden). Just as we were getting ready to start the early pitching practice, we noticed a really bright rainbow. We could see end to end, and a few seconds later, another rainbow appeared beneath it. This rainbow was even brighter, and then it turned into something I've never seen before--two mini adjoining rainbows appeared beneath the lower one, making for a quadruple rainbow. It was awesome!

It was 13 degrees (C) at practice today, so I was extremely cold in my shorts and t-shirt. The temperature has been dropping over the past few weeks, and I noticed last night that it is getting darker much earlier. Those light nights that greeted me when I arrived are no more, and fall is on its way. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend for our games. We got posters at practice today to put around town to attract a crowd for the games. Unfortunately, so few people in Sweden know what softball is and so I don't have high hopes for high attendance. Diane and I may be responsible for half the fan club since we both have relatives coming!

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