Monday, September 17, 2012

Bucket List Items

With just over 1 week left here in Sweden, I decided I needed to do some of my "bucket list" items, so I checked two of them off today:

1. Lina took me to this lookout point on the top of the mountain earlier in the summer, and I was determined to get back there for another look over the town. I took off on my bike, headed in the general direction, and I'm proud to say I made it there without getting even remotely lost. It was a hard bike ride, and there were many times when I had to get off the bike and walk, (especially since the bike has no different gears!). On the way up the hill, I was looking forward to the view and I was also excited to bike ride down the hill! The view was well worth the work out. The ride down, however, was a different kind of thrilling. I had to ride the brakes the whole way, and the recently rained-on-ground had me convinced I was going to fishtail and wipe out. I made it down safely, though! Bucket list item #1: CHECK!

2. Every time I go into town, I pass by a place called the "Wienerbageriet." Diane and I obviously laugh when we see it, calling it the "Wiener Bakery." Yes, we are that mature. Anyway, I have been wanting to go there since I first saw it, so I decided to reward my work out with a few tasty treats. The delicious smell overwhelmed me when I walked in, and I was faced with tons of options. I got a few things based on the worker's recommendations, (a pastry from the top picture and something not pictured below), and I am definitely glad I did not go sooner since I would probably go back many times. Bucket list item #2: CHECK!

And finally, a non bucket list item, but awesome nonetheless. As I was riding home, I stopped to take a closer look at a place that I pass all the time. It is a really pretty garden area in town, and I took a few pictures because it was so nice. I am going to miss this town!

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