Friday, September 7, 2012

Worst bus ride ever

Yesterday we had an extra practice since we would miss practice on Friday because we were leaving for Sundsvall. It was COLD at practice! Made me realize that summer is over. Diane and I feel a little cheated weather-wise since the warmest day here in Sweden was around 70 degrees. But, everything else has definitely made up for that. 

Today, we left at 4:30 to make the 8-9 hour drive to Sundsvall for our semi final games. It is a best of 3 series, but we are definitely hoping to take 2 games tomorrow so we can have Sunday off. I am only allowed to pitch the first game, so we need to have great offense! 

On the bus ride, we watched a few movies to pass the time. The first was The Blind Side and then we watched A League of Their Own. I haven't seen that movie in a while, and after my several Women and Gender Studies classes in college, the social commentary about women's roles makes me actually want to write a paper! It could also be my Harvard homesickness as all my younger friends post Facebook statuses about going back to school and shopping for classes. 

We were lucky that the club rented a bus for the trip so we didn't have to all crowd into a 9 passenger van like last time. We all had our own row, reminding me of bus trips at Harvard and getting me excited for bus trips at Stony Brook! 

"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great." Quote from the movie

Several hours later: Maybe it's not so good we had a bus. It's 1:30am now and we are getting close I think. This trip is brutal! Nope--I was just informed we still have 57 km so another half hour at least. Gah! This bus is slow! Big buses are passing us and we have to stop every two hours for like 15 minutes. 

Another hour later: Yup, arrival time: 2:45. Nice. > 6 hours of sleep. 

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