Monday, September 24, 2012

Final Day

Today was my final full day in Skovde, Sweden. Diane and I woke early since Lisa would be driving Diane to the airport in Gothenburg for her to fly home. We took a few last photos in front of the Dungeon, and I got artsy with the flowers Anders gave me.

We dropped off Diane at the airport, and I said goodbye. Diane and I have been partners in crime for the past 4 months, and we have been great roommates and friends. We have spent practically every day and almost every waking hour together, and we had absolutely 0 problems--pretty amazing. We had a lot of great movie nights, deep talks walking to Prima/practice/Maxi/etc., and we spent countless hours sitting together in our common room surfing the web. I couldn't have asked for a better roommate, and I'll miss her.

After dropping off Diane, Lisa drove us to a Thai restaurant for lunch. The landscape of Sweden never ceases to amaze me, and everywhere we drove was so beautiful. The sun was shining, there was water everywhere, and I took tons of landscape photos to try to remember as best as I can.

 Don't we look cute in the hats we found at the store? I didn't buy anything, but Lisa got several scarves to prepare for the winter.

 This was my favorite thing I saw at the store--seems like a perfect combination for me!

When Lisa dropped me off at the Dungeon to finish packing, we made plans to get ice cream later. It was the last thing on my bucket list, and Angelica and Priya joined us around 5:30. It was so delicious. I sure am going to miss Swedish mjokglass along with everything else I've loved here! Great final day.

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